Employee motivation is the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a company's workers bring to their jobs. Whether the economy is growing or shrinking, finding ways to motivate employees is always a management concern. Competing theories stress either incentives or employee involvement (empowerment). An app for learning the employee motivations.
Motivational techniques
Hawthorne effect
Job design
Intrinsic rewards: Job Characteristics Model
Employee participation
Quality-of-work-life programs
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Herzberg's two-factor theory
Vroom's expectancy theory
Locke's goal theory
Locke and Latham's five goal setting principles
motivation in management
motivation in the workplace
ways to motivate employees
staff motivation
companies that motivate their employees
rewards and recognition in employee motivation
Motivasi pekerja adalah tahap tenaga, komitmen, dan kreativiti yang dibawa oleh pekerja syarikat ke pekerjaan mereka. Sama ada ekonomi sedang berkembang atau mengecut, mencari cara untuk memotivasi pekerja sentiasa menjadi kebimbangan pengurusan. Teori yang bersaing menekankan sama ada insentif atau penglibatan pekerja (pemberdayaan). Aplikasi untuk mempelajari motivasi pekerja.
Teknik motivasi
Kesan Hawthorne
Reka bentuk kerja
Ganjaran intrinsik: Model Ciri Kerja
Penyertaan pekerja
Program kualiti hidup kerja
Hierarki keperluan Maslow
Teori dua faktor Herzberg
Teori harapan Vroom
Teori matlamat Locke
Lima kunci penetapan Locke dan Latham
motivasi dalam pengurusan
motivasi di tempat kerja
cara untuk memberi motivasi kepada pekerja
motivasi kakitangan
syarikat yang memotivasi pekerja mereka
ganjaran dan pengiktirafan dalam motivasi pekerja